Revisited: Why So Many Branded Podcasts Fail

Last week, I had the pleasure of leading a panel with Signal Hill’s Jeff Vidler and Amazon’s Andrea Marquez at the Brand Podcast Summit, which was assembled expertly by Harry Morton of Lower Street. Our session's core question was, “Have We Hit Peak Brand Podcast?” It is a question worth exploring as many companies jumped into the space but did not see the success they hoped for.

The session covered a lot of ground regarding the opportunities and needs of brands related to podcasting. Andrea shared insights from her experience as Senior Producer and podcast host for Amazon Small Business which speaks to businesses around the globe with goods and services on Amazon. Jeff provided fresh “brand lift” data regarding how consumers respond to branded podcasts. Valuable.

 Together, we explored whether every company needs to create audio content, if listeners seek more branded content, and how a business can stand out in a crowded audio marketplace.

These topics are always on my mind.

The reality is many brands want their own podcast but are not finding success. That’s why I’m diving back into the Thought Letter vault to share a refreshed version of our most popular post from January 2022. This ‘best-of’ explores the complicated pitfalls of branded audio content. Despite all the changes in our industry over the past two years, these insights have never been more relevant. - Steve

Branded content is the most challenging category in all of audio

What follows is an “enhanced “version of the Thought Letter from January 17, 2022.

We are involved in developing and making branded podcasts, and while we are bullish on the category, we think many initiatives will fail. In fact, the graveyard is loaded with failed branded podcast efforts.

Here is why: branded content is the most challenging category in all of audio.

Despite the hopes and wishes of many companies, most people simply don’t want to engage with a brand or business. It is a high hurdle to get them to care. As Bob Hoffman reminds his Ad Contrarian readers, “No one in his right mind volunteers for advertising.” True that. I like my orange juice but don’t need a podcast about it.  

Of course, there are exceptions where there is a wonderful synergetic relationship between a brand and a podcast. We know a good deal about this. Amplifi Media and Sound That Brands co-produce what podcast insiders consider the most successful branded podcast anywhere. It has millions of downloads under its belt, and when a new episode is released, it rockets to the top of the chart in its prolific category. 

You won’t find the client's name on either of our websites. We have a non-disclosure agreement that prevents us from publicly mentioning them by name. However, I can share learnings from this podcast and our other well-known brand partners. Here are four proven building blocks to deliver a winning branded podcast. 

1. Ask WIIFL: What’s In It for the Listener?   

“WIIFL,” short for “What’s In It for the Listener,” must be your guiding principle. Every journey in content creation should begin by charting the value proposition for the audience. The best podcasts have an unwavering focus on the listener rather than being a vehicle for the host or brand. Podcast listening is intentional, and users seek content to listen to on their schedule. Your podcast must offer a substantial benefit communicated quickly and clearly -- if you want to earn someone’s time. 

Why is your podcast interesting to them? What stories do you have to tell? What is remarkable about the people featured in your podcast? 

Another consideration is the emotional response to your podcast. Do you want the audience to feel inspired or informed? To learn or to laugh? Crafting a roadmap for your stories and establishing an emotional intention can help your podcast find its voice and deliver effectively for an audience.  

2. Prioritize Sonic Branding: Sound like the Brand

As audio takes on more prominence for many marketers, a new question to ask is, “What should my brand sound like?” Establishing a signature sound aligned with your company and podcast is essential. No two brands are alike. No two branded podcasts should sound alike.

A recognizable sonic brand can borrow from your existing media campaigns, such as a voice or song easily associated with your company. The key is that when a listener plays your podcast, they quickly recognize it is your brand behind the show.

The cadence of the production must fit the brand, too. Fast? Fun? Forward attitude? Mischievous? Earnest? Provocative? Everything is on the table when translating the brand’s essence into audio.  

 3. Make Something Useful and Valuable

The secret sauce of podcasting is scoring the correct format, and this is where many brands fail most in their efforts. No one wants to listen to a long ad. The best branded podcasts don’t sound like a late-night infomercial. Instead, they tell stories and take the listener on a journey that interests and excites them. Your podcast needs an emotional hook and a strong concept that threads through every episode. 

The tyranny is the “skip” and “delete” buttons for any podcast. As audio content providers, you want to attract listeners, keep them until the end of your show, and get them to come back for more. However, many podcasts run too long or lack a proper episode structure, prompting listeners to abandon them. 

Of course, success is impossible to attain unless it has been defined and is measurable. The expectations for your podcast should be clear and achievable.  Many podcasts fail to establish a clear roadmap. Episode ten needs to be as compelling as episode one.

 4. Innovate to Stand Out

Podcasting is a playground for innovation, and we encourage brands to push creative boundaries. Engage people with new ideas and fresh approaches. That could mean avoiding overexposed formats, such as Q&A-style interviews. Instead of an in-studio production with tracked music, your podcast could be produced in the field with natural sounds. Unpredictability often attracts attention, which can help your podcast - and, in turn, your brand - stand out.

Some brands are innovating by placing their content inside other podcasts that have built loyal audiences. We call these “minisodes,” and they can avoid the difficulties of developing an audience from scratch.  

If you want to succeed with branded audio, all these building blocks are necessary: put the listener first, give your audio a sound that represents who you are or what you do, and provide valuable quality content in a new way.

Quiz: Should My Business Have a Branded Podcast

Not every business will be successful with branded content. The chart below can help you decide whether a branded podcast is the right move to reach your marketing goals. To find out, answer the following eight questions honestly, with a simple ‘Yes,’ or ‘No.’ 

Now add up how many times you answered ‘Yes’ and how many times you answered ‘No.’ You're on the right track if you have more than five ‘Yes’ answers.

Don’t Just Check the Box

Companies are jumping on the branded podcast bandwagon, only to be disappointed later either because the content missed the mark, or it was difficult to land an audience.

A branded podcast won’t work for everyone – but it is a fantastic storytelling and customer relationship tool for some brands.

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